Tag Archives: smoking

Smoking The Entire Cigarette

When you are smoking, you often drift off into thought.  It is easy to do, as the act of smoking really is simple and easy.  You do not really think about what is occurring during the act of smoking, you … Continue reading

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Zebras do not get Ulcers

I love Robert M. Sapolsky’s book, “Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers”.  It is a great read, that brings up a new and innovative way to diagnose stress, and evolve yourself into reality.  The basic premise of the book is, in nature, … Continue reading

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Quit Smoking Excuse #6

Excuse #6: Smoking Calms me Down I have a lot of stress and anxiety in my life, smoking calms me down This is your nicotine brain talking here, and it is betraying you more than you know.  Your smoking is … Continue reading

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Imagine your life smoke free! Excuse #5

It will be better than you ever would have thought! Here are some great excuse beaters to help you move towards being an EX-Smoker! • Smoking is my friend Some friend indeed!  If you thought about the chemicals and toxins that are in … Continue reading

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Excuse of Tragic Times

I just have to get through this bad time to quit, not today The longer you wait, the harder it will be.  If you continue to adapt with bad days, problems, and horrific events with a smoke, you will be … Continue reading

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Excuse #2 To Stay Smoking

There are lots of old people who still smoke This is an excuse full of false hopes and dreams.  Do you really think that there are lots of older people who still smoke a pack a day?  The simple fact … Continue reading

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Excuse Beater #1

Here are some great excuse beaters to help you move towards being an EX-Smoker! • I will gain weight if I quit, and that is more dangerous than quitting True to say, some people have gained weight during the start to smoking … Continue reading

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I am Going To Quit!

Your quit is resolved, now tear down all the excuses, one by one, because they just are not true. You know them, you will gain weight, you will feel unhappy, you have fun smoking, you feel calmer, you think clearly … Continue reading

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I have my Quit, now what…

So, what does work? The truth is, you have to really want to quit.  You have to decide, and decide that you are really ready to quit. This decision is so powerful.  You are ready to take on the addiction … Continue reading

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Quit Today and Jump for Joy!

You have finally decided to quit! All I can say is WOW!  Deciding to Quit is the hardest step.  You have built a huge stockade of reasons over the years to keep smoking.  All your smoking days have been built … Continue reading

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