Further, referencing the Disclaimer Page on StopCigsForever.com, each post on this blog is built to discuss new lifestyle options, and the available products that are offered at various affiliate sites. All discussion, copyright, and posts are a process to inform the consumer of the best options for their quit, and to allow the authors and creators of StopCigsForever.com the ability to profit from such referred sales. No Products were received for free for any posts on this blog. The author does in fact receive commissions, but only if you do decide to buy from any of the links from this blog. It is important to know, many of these items have been reviewed by others, but the opinions are theirs, and not necessary those of the author. If you have any questions, I would love to hear from you!Your New Life is Just Ahead!
Going down that hallway can be a bit daunting, but it is not impossible! I am here to tell you, YOU already are a non-smoker. You were way back when you started this compulsion, years ago. Why not be that person once again?
Excuse Beater #1
• I will gain weight if I quit, and that is more dangerous than quitting
True to say, some people have gained weight during the start to smoking cessation period. While this weight gain is minimal, it is not going to affect your health like constant nicotine use will. Keep this in reality; you are going to discover that you are not going to gain terrific amounts of weight, especially if you are aware that food will cause your weight gain, not your stop smoking pledge. As you emerge from smoking a pack a day, your lung performance will improve, and you will be able to manage more activity, and each day, you will feel better! You can add more exercise, healthy eating habits, and a new positive outlook on life to your ex-smoker lifestyle as you add more smoke free days to your count. If you stop smoking, there is no reason to think you will gain weight, this is a mental choice you will make as an ex-smoker. If you decide to not substitute food for cigs, then you are going to have no effect at all. This is your choice, and not a fact. It is your choice.
Three Must Haves to Quit Smoking
1. I WANT TO Quit
Have you ever tried to push yourself to do something, and found out how hard it is to do so? It is next to impossible if you are not 100% on board! You need to motivate yourself to quit. Only you, yes, only you can make this commitment. Even if you had a second you, who would babysit you 24/7, if you are not 100% ready to quit, you will not succeed.
2. Devise a Plan
You will need to think about your smoking habit from an objectionable view point. There are triggers, and compulsions that you must deal with before you quit. If you do not have a clear path, and an answer for all of these barriers, you will be vulnerable. Increase your likelihood of success, and analyze your future path with details.
3. Support of Family and Friends
You are not alone, and having support will be the key to much of your success. When you are having a real struggle to stay smoke free, bite the bullet, give your best friend a call, and talk through it. It really is your best defense in those tricky moments!
Posted in Quit Smoking, Uncategorized
Tagged advice to quit, nicotine, quit, quit plan, quit smoking, stop smokin', stop smoking
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A Few Facts about Smoking
Smoking statistics from the World Health Organization
• Around 1/3 of men in the world smoke
• Smoking kills 4 million people each year; 1 in 10 each year
• Around 1/3 of men in the world smoke
• Smoking kills 4 million people each year; 1 in 10 each year
• If current trends continue, deaths will increase to 6 deaths out of 10.
You don’t have to live this way! You don’t have to be one of those who could die from smoking.
•Resolve to Stop Today!
Posted in Quit Smoking Pledge
Tagged plan to quit, quit, quit smoking, stop smoking, your resolution today
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I am Going To Quit!
Your quit is resolved, now tear down all the excuses, one by one, because they just are not true.
You know them, you will gain weight, you will feel unhappy, you have fun smoking, you feel calmer, you think clearly smoking, you have a more peaceful life smoking….whatever! These are all untrue!
You simply can not and will not be happy as a smoker. You are an outsider to today’s society and culture as a smoker. Everyone is evolving away from this bad practice, and you do not have to be a victim of the nicotine monster any longer.
Once you believe you are ready to quit, and you know you are, and cigarettes are not precious to you any longer, you can tackle each one of your excuses that kept you smoking.
Many people allow themselves years to evolve into this new person. It is a new mindset. So, let go. Be patient. Let yourself win this time. Find the strength to decide to quit. And, let yourself tear down the reasons you smoked all those years.
You can do it.
I know you can!
Once you have your quit determined, and you are ready to quit, you now need to start the plan!
I have my Quit, now what…
The truth is, you have to really want to quit. You have to decide, and decide that you are really ready to quit.
This decision is so powerful. You are ready to take on the addiction at this evil end, and let the cravings get to you for a little while. You have decided that the addiction is really not worth your time any more. You are more powerful than any stupid cigarette. After all, you are sure you are going to succeed.
Once you have your reason, your strong and gentle strength to beat this addiction, you are halfway there! It is a really great feeling! Find your quit, and let everyone know that you are going to quit, and you have decided it is going to happen. You have the power to make it happen.
Now, once you have the quit ready to go, slow down cowboy. Take some time and let yourself smoke like mad. This seems really stupid, but you need to let yourself smoke until you have reached your perfect non-smoking strength.
How? Well, you need to smoke to keep that cigarette from becoming more precious than anything else in the world. Cutting back does not work. Smoke and smoke and smoke some more!
Now, tear down all the idiotic marketing that has you convinced about Cigarettes, Cigars or any nicotine craving you and making you feel one way or another. All the foolish ideas you have about nicotine are pretty much untrue. You are really not losing anything, you are gaining everything by not smoking!
Your Quit really is a powerful tool for you. Do not waste it, and let your negative mindset drop away….
Posted in Quit Smoking Pledge
Tagged assistance to quit, cessation, nicotine, quit, quitting smoking, smoking, stop smokin', weed
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Quit Today and Jump for Joy!
You have finally decided to quit!
All I can say is WOW! Deciding to Quit is the hardest step. You have built a huge stockade of reasons over the years to keep smoking. All your smoking days have been built in your mind as the reasons you must keep smoking. The very fact that you have broken through to actually make this decision is a huge accomplishment. It is the best decision you can make!
You are a non-smoker, you just have not yet acted like it. If you have made the decision to quit, and to take your life back, you are really close to being the non-smoker you know you really are.
But, what if you have yet to decide. What if you are not sure that you can quit. You are not convinced, and you have yet to decide. I am here to tell you, you can be like your friend, and quit for sure. Many people have done it, and done it with the strength of their convictions and the power of just making this difficult decision.
Everyone is different. That is what makes the world a great place to live, and be apart of. For this reason, we all have a different reason to quit, and a reason to finally decide we are in fact a non-smoker.
For some, the reason is they just have been tired of being a victim, and want to finally let go of all the guilt they feel as a smoker. There are so many pressures put on smokers today. They are getting the message over, and over and over again! It is being thrown at you every day, and they come up with almost mean ways to scare you into quitting.
This does not work. All those terrible images of smokers with cancer, and mouth cancer and lungs being crispy black do not work. It only makes you want that precious cigarette even more.
Decide to quit!
Your Smoking days have come to an end…
There are 3 ways you can Quit Forever!
1. Decide to Quit
2. Start a Plan
3. Find Support
You don’t have to suffer any longer.
Commit to Quit Smoking Forever! The best decision you can ever make is to quit your smoking. You are losing nothing by quitting, but gaining everything!
Your quit is here! Why delay or stop yourself from moving on one more day. You can find freedom, and success.
Some silly ideas that need your attention
You might think, that cigarettes make you calm. What a false claim! When that little nicotine monster inside of you scratches at your belly, and asks for more, are you feeling panicked? Nervous, unsure? What if your monster cannot be fed immediately? Do you break out into a sweat? The fact is, you are probably immune to the nicotine you bring in, that is why if you are forced into a stressful situation, you chain smoke. You can never cure this little monster’s need, so why try? The fact is, you have always been nervous, stressed and constantly on edge since you smoked. The mental game of always buying and having cigarettes or other smoking tools is a constant motivator to be stressed.
Before you were not always on edge, before you began smoking. Smoking does not calm you, it merely continues your stress. You are always on edge, always trying to keep the monster fed. It does not relax you. Only way to become a calm and relaxed person is to quit.
Secondly, you will not become bored if you quit smoking. If you approach this process with the thought that you are really ready to change, and your positive mindset tells you that you are now an ex-smoker, you are. There is nothing magical about this, just the fact that you are a non-smoker. You will not be bored with the great things you are about to accomplish. You are going to be so busy, and motivated, you will have trouble keeping up! Enjoy yourself, it is a brand new day.
Your smoking is a constant burden and a controller of your life. If you are willing to open your mind, you can see how hard it has been on you!
Excuses, excuses, excuses….
The biggest reason we allow excuses to rule the mental air, is we are afraid. Yes, you are afraid of the fact that you cannot quit, and that you will fail. So what? You have nothing to lose! If you continue to smoke, always regretting your smoking, and never giving it a try, you are going to be always fearful of the non-smoking pledge above. Does it scare you to smoke? Are you nervous even looking at this statement above? If you are still reading, I am really proud of you. Keep your feet wet, do not let the nervousness fool you. Excuses can be easy to follow, as the allow you the opportunity to give reason for not starting this process. It gives you a quick out.
What you do not know is, you are more powerful than you realize. You are really ready. All smokers are strong and powerful people. How else would you become a smoker in the first place? It is such an unnatural act, breathing in smoke! No mushy people allowed, if you cannot breathe in the remnants of fire, step aside. That being said, no excuse is stronger than you. Work through each excuse you come up with. I bet you still can work through them with your own strength and scientific reasoning. You are more powerful than your smoking, and do not be afraid of the fact that you are a non-smoker. You were before you started smoking, let us get back to that great mindset. Let us find your way there.
Your quit is here! Why delay or stop yourself from moving on one more day. You can find freedom, and success.
What are your reasons for Quitting?
You might have decided to quit for your family, a workplace requirement, or the fact that your doctor suggested it. Stop! If you are not quitting for yourself, you are making a error in judgment. While these are all great and fantastic reasons to quit, you cannot quit unless you are doing it for yourself. This is no time for being a martyr, you need help, and you need it fast. Do this, think of the ways you can improve yourself, if you do not have this crutch, this possible issue, reoccurring over and over again.
So, do this for you. Make a list of things you can do, without your smoking being in the way of your life. Do not just think of them, write them down. Put them on a post-it, a scrap of paper, whatever! Write down your next steps in life, the things you never would have done, but would want to do, if you were not smoking. Maybe you love fashion, and would love to have a new pair of shoes or a jacket. Take this further, maybe you want to design shoes for others to marvel at. Get the drift? Maybe you love fast cars, and you would like to rent a racetrack for a day. This could grow into a bigger chance for you, racing cars! What else have you not done? Maybe you have always wanted to travel to Europe, but were unsure of the time you would need to spend in the air. Whatever it is, you have always wanted to do! Start your own business, learn a new trade, start a family. The sky is the limit. Do this for you, and you will never have to make excuses for the ones you love.