Where Smoking All Starts

The tobacco plant

If you were to directly inject nicotine, the drug in the tobacco plant(nicotiana), it would instantly kill you.  The close cousin of the tobacco plant, the nightshade plant(hyoscyamus niger, is a deadly poison.  Not many insects can use the tobacco plant for food, they all have died trying, until they came up with an immune system strong enough to handle the nicotine.  The chemicals that are further placed into cigarettes, cigars, and other forms of chewing and lip tobacco, are also toxic to your body.

You have been poisoned

If you are a smoker, the most powerful thing you can do, is answer this one question:  Why did you start smoking?  If you answer honestly, and remember the days before you were a smoker, you will have a great key to discontinuing this repeatitive cycle.  It is this one reason, that will most likely be insignificant, and if so, you are losing life because of it.  Decide today to quit smoking, and you will be able to take back your life.  That choice to start smoking is never as powerful as continuing to live your life, and to have control.  You do not have to be afraid.  You have nothing to lose.  Become an ex-smoker by understanding you have nicotine addiction to overcome, and a propaganda machine of lies that need to be scientifically challenged.

Come with me on this challenge.  You are worth the effort.

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The Lies of Smokers

Improve your Health, your cash flow, and your general outlook on life!  Smoking contributes to a lifestyle where you are not in control.  The most powerful thing you can do is take back control!  You can do it!

Smoking Propaganda

Hilter said famously, that if you feed the people a lie, and repeat the lie, it will become the truth.  This is the dangerous advertising campaign of the tobacco companies.   They have infiltrated our society with crazy images of people peacefully and calmly smoking in movies, in television shows, and in print and bill board ads.  Usually the image is one of coolness and poise.  The activity is always pleasurable, like after a good meal, or after sex.  Amazingly, the image is a seed, and it planted itself into the culture we inhabit today.  If you are alive today, everyone can imagine a last wish from a jailed inmate as a smoke.  It is a story that has been repeated, and even today, despite true indications, smokers talk and write about “the pleasure”.   Even one company had this as a slogan.
Opening your eyes to this, you will need to break free from your mindset that you have built, at the hands of the cigarette companies.  Smoking is a poison not a pleasure, and as such, needs to be correctly envisioned as what it really is, a toxin.

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Tricks to Quit Smoking

1.  Throw Your Cigarettes Away, you are More Powerful!
2.  Make Friends with Gum-I know its not the same, but chewing the stuff can get you over some big triggers
3. Cold Turkey is best.  If you remember that Nicotine only stays in your body for two weeks, and will bring you physical challenges for that time only, you are smart to skip any kind of nicotine change.  It really is the most amazing thing you can do!
4.  Visit your Doctor:  always check with your doctor to devise a great plan for you!  Your doctor needs to be apart of your quit smoking initiative!
5. Join a forum!  Find fellow ex-smokers, and ask questions, learn more, and continue your great initiative every chance you get!
6. Remember your Path:  Each smoker needs to begin with new initiatives, a new frame of mind, and a positive outlook.
7. Remain social:  Your family, friends, co-workers and physician are all great resources and positive motivators for you in your quit smoking pledge.  Use them as a key part of your gaining new power over your smoking habit.
8.  Make a stress ball:  Your hands are going to be super busy looking for the lighter, the pack, the cigarette, give them something to do!  With a balloon and some baking soda, you can make a stress ball in any shape or color you want, to constantly work those triggers away….
9.  Recognize your triggers!  Morning coffee, coffee breaks, lunchtime fast-food, stressful situations, driving stress, the list goes on and on!  The trick is to learn to recognize your flight into smoking, and stop it before it starts.
10.  Take your time-patience is your friend, and keep yourself motivated by slowly, quietly, breathing in your accomplishments each day.

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Find a Focus to Your Quit

You are just as capable as any scientist or doctor to cure your smoking habit. Should you believe you will do it, and that it is possible, not one hurdle will stop you from bringing this to life. You have to believe in the event.  Your new life must have a firm foundation, or your new mindset will not prosper.  Give yourself time to firmly resolve towards this event.

Review your smoking days as over. Decide that it is going to happen on your stop quit date. Follow your heart, and do not let anyone stop you from your motivation. It is in your grasp. If you do not open your mind to the chance, you are not going to succeed. You need to be positive to the action, and that there is little stop you from the healthy life you deserve.

Imagine what this power can do for the life! If you are positive that you can evolve into a new life, and that it will happen, there will be no barriers to stop you. You’ll be pushing past the boulder, and finally leading the way! It will insist that you never find a power to stop you! You’ll have no choice but to succeed!  You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain.

Use all the tools that you think you need to do this. Plan your course, document your success, act on your motivation. But, once you decide you have the power to use your brain, and let it actively evolve into the powerful new lifestyle of a non-smoker, you will have no choice but to be that person.

Believe that the threat of excuses, nicotine pangs, and smoking habits just do not exist. They are all in your mind! The human brain is a complicated and powerful organ. It does not get the credit it deserves each and every day. If you evolve from a negative and close minded follower, into an open minded, positive and active leader, you are going to liberate from the chains of smoking.

There are only fears that drive us down. We are completely powerless against fears and our daily terrors. If you allow yourself to be powerless, you are. I want you to scientifically move yourself past this frail emotional mindset. Do not let fear drag you into excuses, and unmotivated mindsets.

You need to know you are more powerful and smart than you realize. If you take action on this fact, you are going to love your new world so much, your heart will break!

Keep your faith in yourself, and use the facts to move you forward. You are an amazing soul, with much power, strength and dedication that you can alter the world. Start with yourself.

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Zebras do not get Ulcers

I love Robert M. Sapolsky’s book, “Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers”.  It is a great read, that brings up a new and innovative way to diagnose stress, and evolve yourself into reality.  The basic premise of the book is, in nature, there is stress.  Like a zebra pack who lives near lions.   They have the stress of dealing with their preditors every day, but they have adapted to living side by side, next to their stressors, the preditors that could eat them.  And, they don’t let the stress rule the day.  They use the stress to exist, and survive, and then, let it go.  Learn to let go of your stress in new and innovative ways.   Try a walk if you feel stress becoming more powerful than your resolve.  Don’t blow your problems out of porportion.  Take a deep breath, objectively learn new facts, and react with knowledge and strength.  You have the power to blow this excuse way out to deep oceans!
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Quit Smoking Excuse #6

Excuse #6: Smoking Calms me Down

I have a lot of stress and anxiety in my life, smoking calms me down
This is your nicotine brain talking here, and it is betraying you more than you know.  Your smoking is causing a biochemical reaction in your body, that is out of whack with normal levels of base and alklaloid levels-your pH levels.  Every time you light up, inhale that dangerous and icky smoke, you are causing your alkaloid or acid levels in your body to spike!  Imagine you are pouring battery acid on your skin, and you keep doing it, over and over again.  It is burning your cellular structure away, and inside your body!  What can you do?  Stress and anxiety are normal day to day feelings and reactions to much deeper things-mostly fear from what could happen if the course of a stressful event continues to evolve.  Can you, will you, think further about why, you are always stressed?  Can you put your stressors into perspective?
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Imagine your life smoke free! Excuse #5

It will be better than you ever would have thought!

Here are some great excuse beaters to help you move towards being an EX-Smoker!

Smoking is my friend
Some friend indeed!  If you thought about the chemicals and toxins that are in each cigarette, you would quit immediately.  Even with the constant addiction that nicotine processes in your body each day, and your habitual use of the drug, you still cannot consider this enemy your friend.  Don’t get stuck with thinking that smoking is a great pal, and something you can count on even through the worst of times.  Your “friend” has turned you into a fiend, and as such, will only lead you to an early grave.  The pain you will be sent through at the end of your life, with your inability to breathe, possible surgery and treatments, medications, will make you think twice about cigs being your friend.  You have lost your ability to smell and taste, stained and damaged teeth, and elevated blood pressure with your friend around.  Sometimes it is best to let childhood things pass, and move forward into a healthy and adult world.
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Excuse of Tragic Times

I just have to get through this bad time to quit, not today

The longer you wait, the harder it will be.  If you continue to adapt with bad days, problems, and horrific events with a smoke, you will be further from resolving many problems, moving yourself further into a positive world, and a great new day.   The best thing you can do, with any bad event, is acknowledge the event happened, and work through the tragedy the best you can, SMOKE-FREE.  Imagine the power you will have if you quit on the day you have to bury your best friend, when you lose a job, when you find out you have been robbed of every cent you own, when you have lost your wife to another man.   WOW!  You will never ever smoke again.  Use this tragedy to empower your choice.  It is a way to evolve this negative news into a positive.
The amazing change can be powerful, and sometimes a death, or a very negative event needs a positive change to empower it forward.  This has worked for many, and if you use this experience, you will never turn back!  Do not skip this step, as it can be very powerful!
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Quit Smoking Excuse #3

I enjoy smoking so much, I don’t want to give up my one pleasure

Ok, so you will allow yourself to believe smoking is a joyful experience, instead of a great steak dinner, a walk on the beach with your wife, dancing with your daughter on her wedding day, a cruise to Alaska in your retirement, or a sunny warm day in a hammock nap in your later years?  If you continue this pleasure, you will be taking away all pleasures, big and small, for this one “enjoyment”.  How can you substitute pleasure for having the ability to breathe?  This one makes no sense!  If you had the choice, to A. Breathe Well for the Rest of your life, or B. “Pleasure” from taking a drag on your smoke for the next 20 years, and then not breathing.

Smoking is NOT Enjoyable

If there is one excuse or reason to smoke, this one has to be the most untrue of them all!  It was completely created by the marketing companies and the cigarette industry!  There is even a brand that talks only about pleasure.  It is not pleasurable, if anything, it is uncomfortable.

How could standing in the cold, all by yourself be pleasurable?  How can you enjoy something that really does not begin with some happiness, but with control?  It is your nicotine craving that you are fulfilling, not your pleasure center in the brain.  Smoking brains get this mixed up, and it is completely a created train of thought.

When you eat, you feel the food in your mouth, the taste of the meal, the true happy tastes of nutrition.  This is a pleasurable experience, and it makes you feel great!  Do not mistake the control of your propaganda marketing cigarette ad for pleasure.  Do not let the control of nicotine mistake you for enjoyment.  You are only believing this, to keep your current mindset functioning.

If this is clicking, great!  If not, it takes some time to tear this one down.  Watch yourself in the mirror one time when you smoke.  Do you look like you are enjoying yourself?  Objectively review this situation, with a new open train of thought.  The facts are shocking when it finally clicks.

Learn here how to blast this one further out of your mind!

Allen Carr Books

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Excuse #2 To Stay Smoking

There are lots of old people who still smoke

This is an excuse full of false hopes and dreams.  Do you really think that there are lots of older people who still smoke a pack a day?  The simple fact is, they did smoke, but maybe one cigarette in a week, not a pack a day.  If you believe this excuse, you will be finding out the hard way that disease and cancer are not late in life events when you smoke a pack a day.
The truth is, and you know this is true deep down, you will live longer if you quit smoking.  This excuse is a mild one, but it does get voiced from time to time.   There are variations of this excuse, like, I heard about so and so, and she died of lung cancer and never smoked, so why should I quit?  It is important for you to not cloud your mental state with excuses.  They will kill your quit, for no good reason.
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